Wednesday 24 July 2013

Wirid dan Zikir Selepas Solah Subuh - Selalu A'malkan Untuk Bekalan Akhirat

Wirid Selepas Subuh Anda, وِرْدٌ صباحيٌّ dari Juwairiyah binti al-Harith, isteri Nabi SAW

سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ عَدَدَ خَلْقِهِ وَرِضَا نَفْسِهِ وَزِنَةَ عَرْشِهِ وَمِدَادَ كَلِمَاتِهِ

(HR Muslim, no.4905, lidwa) Maha Suci Allah dengan segala puji bagi-Nya sebanyak hitungan makhluk-Nya, menurut keredhaan-Nya, menurut arasy-Nya dan sebanyak tinta kalimat-Nya (al-Qahthani, Hisnul Muslim, no. 94) di baca 3X

Terjemahan Dr Basit, " Maha Suci Allah dan aku memuji-Nya sebanyak makhluk ciptaan-Nya, keredhaan diri-Nya, seberat timbangan Arash-Nya dan sebanyak tinta kalimah-Nya." 

Wirid ini dari jalur Ummul Mukminin Juwairiah binti al-Harith. teks penuh dari sahih Muslim:

(HR Muslim, no. 4905, lidwa) : Telah menceritakan kepada kami Qutaibah bin Sa'id dan 'Amru An Naqid dan Ibnu Abu 'Umar -dan lafadh ini milik Ibnu Abu 'Umar- mereka berkata; telah menceritakan kepada kami Sufyan dari Muhammad bin 'Abdurrahman -budak- keluarga Thalhah dari Kuraib dari Ibnu 'Abbas dari Juwairiyah bahwasanya Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam keluar dari rumah Juwairiyah pada pagi hari sesudah shalat Subuh dan dia (Juwairiyah) tetap di tempat shalatnya. Tak lama kemudian Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam kembali setelah terbit fajar (pada waktu dhuha), sedangkan Juwairiyah masih duduk di tempat shalatnya. Setelah itu, Rasulullah menyapanya: "Ya Juwairiyah, kamu masih belum beranjak dari tempat shalatmu?" Juwairiyah menjawab; 'Ya. Saya masih di sini, di tempat semula ya Rasulullah.' Kemudian Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam berkata: 'Setelah keluar tadi, aku telah mengucapkan empat rangkaian kata-kata -sebanyak tiga kali- yang kalimat tersebut jika dibandingkan dengan apa yang kamu baca seharian tentu akan sebanding, iaitu:
سبحان اللهِ وبحمدهِ : عَدَدَ خَلْقِهِ ، ورضا نفسِهِ ، وزِنه عرشِهِ ، ومِداد كلماتِهِ "
Maha Suci Allah dengan segala puji bagi-Nya sebanyak hitungan makhluk-Nya, menurut keridlaan-Nya, menurut arasy-Nya dan sebanyak tinta kalimat-Nya.'

Wirid ini walaupun 4 kalimah sahaja terlalu berat timbangannya, tidak perlu duduk lama-lama berwirid, cukup dengan 4 kalimah ini sahaja kerana timbangannya, masyaAllah, sama berat dengan semua makhluk-Nya dan sama berat dengan Arash yang dipikul oleh 8 saf Malaikat.

Thursday 11 July 2013


السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

On 4th Jul 2013, TADIKA CAHAYA KHALIFAH (TCK) had organised a study trip to Jaya Grocer, Bukit Jelutong for all our students. The objectives of organising this trip are to encourage the children about their interest of learning and as well as to expose them to outdoor activity. This trip was also part of their co-curricular activity in accordance to month of July and August learning theme.

This study trip had established the best opportunity for students to develop their knowledge on names, types, colours, shapes and smell of fruits and vegetables that could adding value to their interest of learning.

During this study trip, we found out students are very happy and excited of learning new things. This is part of their development progress other than daily academic activities.

Sunday 7 July 2013


Ramadhan is here, Here is Ramadhan.

Ramadhan is coming, The time that is blessed.
Ramadhan is coming, The time we love best.
The month in which the Qur'an was sent;
A time of great blessing in which to repent.
Fasting for Allah is a great Muslim deed;
Controlling desires and Suppressing greed.

Ramadhan is coming, Increase your Iman.
Ramadhan is coming, Recite the Qur'an.
Taking "Suhur" in the dead of the Night;
No eating no drinking during the daylight.
Refrain from bad deeds and repent your soul;
The pleasure of Allah is our only goal.

Ramadhan is coming, so let us prepare.
Ramadhan is coming; there is peace everywhere,
Even if there is hunger, remember your Lord
And wait until 'Iftar' to earn your reward.
Fasting is one of the gifts of Allah
Given to believers to increase 'Taqwah'.

Ramadhan is here, here is Ramadhan.
Ramadhan is coming, so seek the new Moon.
Ramadhan is coming, it will be here soon.
We pray to Allah to put right our hearts;
Ask for forgiveness from Allah and make a new start.

Raising our hands we ask for his 'Rahmaa';
Hear us our Lord and grant us 'Jannah'

Assalamualaikum. On behalf of the Management and Staff of TADIKA CAHAYA KHALIFAH, we would like to wish all parents and students, "Ramadan Al Mubarak", and may Allah propser us with His Rahmah and Barakah in this year Ramadan.

Monday 1 July 2013

June Birthday Celebration

Musyrif's Birthday 5 Years

Ariesha's Birthday 5 Years

Izad and Nayyif Birthday

Yaqin's Birthday 4 Years

Afif's Birthday 4 Years

Asadel's Birthday 5 Years
Faiz's Birthday 6 Years

Zahira's Birthday 4 Years