Sunday 16 February 2014


السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Pada 24 Januari yang lalu telah berlangsung Majlis Sambutan Maulidurasul TCK. Pertama sekali terima kasih diucapkan kepada ibu bapa yang memberi sumbangan seperti makanan dan minuman untuk menjayakan majlis ini. Majlis yang dianjurkan ialah bacaan doa, selawat ke atas junjungan besar Rasulullah SAW, acara Nasyeed, bacaan azan, kisah sirah Nabi Muhammad SAW dan acara mewarna. Jazakallahukhairankhatirra.

Teacher Siti - story telling about sirah Rasulullah SAW

Everyone listened to Teacher Siti story telling

Food is ready and nicely arranged. Syukran to all parents, who have contributed for this event

Mandarin lemon, cup cakes and curry puff, very delicious!

Ma Ma Mia! Spagheti right from Mummy's kitchen

Everyone enjoying their food


السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Dear sir, ladies and gentlemen. You can see various face expression of new students during first day and first weeks of school. Ma sya Allah, very interesting. As usual, teachers were very busy persuading new students. We recorded this event to share with parents what were happening in the kindergarten, so that you have something to show to them in future. We do hope parents can check this blog at least once a month, because we will update the blog by showing various classes activity every month. Therefore, you can keep abreast with your child progress and development. Syukran.

LC Izzat

Seniors and Juniors mixed around

Some of parents were at the kindy sending their little one

Mummy was also very nervous

Some were so curious

Mummy: "Behave yourself, ok. Mummy got to go work". Son: "I promise"

They are your new friends

Little Khalifah Damia, enjoying her breakfast - nugget

"We want to go home. Where's mummy"

Teacher Nabilla and her students

Some light exercise

Teacher Min and her student

Reciting dua

Teacher Siti and LCs

"See my new pant. Cantik tak?"

"I am Little Khalifah"

Little Khalifah Muhammad. Kesian dia.


"Can someone open this door for me"

"I want to go home"

Makan time

Some of them have learned new things, i.e. do thing in group

What's next?